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CSS 'border-image-width' Property Explained

Est. Reading: 2 minutes
Posted: April 6, 2024

The CSS 'border-image-width' property specifies the width of the border image on all four sides of an element. This property allows for scaling the border image beyond or within the border's dimensions, enabling more flexible and creative border designs that can adapt to various element sizes and shapes.

CSS 'border-image-width' Property Examples

See the Pen CSS 'border-image-width' Property by Webzstore (@webzstore) on CodePen.

The 'border-image-width' property offers significant flexibility in designing borders. It enables the integration of detailed graphical elements into the borders of web elements, enhancing the visual appeal and thematic consistency of web designs.

Browser Support For 'border-image-width' Property

FirefoxSafariChromeMicrosoft EdgeOpera

CSS Syntax of the 'border-image-width' Property

border-image-width: length | percentage | auto | initial | inherit;
  • A single value applies to all four sides.
  • Two values set the vertical (top and bottom) and horizontal (left and right) dimensions, respectively.
  • In that order, three values determine the top, horizontal, and bottom dimensions.
  • Four values specify the dimensions of the top, right, bottom, and left.

Usage of the 'border-image-width' Property

Use 'border-image-width' to adjust the border image's size relative to an element's border area. This is particularly useful when you want to control how much of the border image is visible or to ensure that the border image scales correctly in response to changes in the element's size. It supports fixed measurements, percentages, and auto-scaling, offering a range of options for fine-tuning border appearances.

Property Values of the 'border-image-width' Property

  • Length: Defines the width using length units (e.g., px, em).
  • Percentage: Specifies the width as a percentage of the corresponding border area's dimensions.
  • Auto: The width is the intrinsic or default width of the border image.
  • Initial: Resets the 'border-image-width' to its default value.
  • Inherit: Inherits the 'border-image-width' from the parent element.

Ryan Parker

Ryan has been a standout in digital marketing since 2010. He's the go-to person for getting businesses noticed online, with over 300 projects under his belt—these range from helping local business owners to big online stores. As the Head of Digital Marketing at his company, Ryan knows all the tricks to make companies shine on the internet. He's excellent at using the latest tech and smart strategies to get results. Ryan is all about making businesses grow and reach more people online.
