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CSS 'border-left-style' Property Explained

Est. Reading: 2 minutes
Posted: April 9, 2024

The CSS 'border-left-style' property specifies the style of an element's left border. This property enables designers to apply various line styles to the left border of an element, such as solid, dashed, or dotted, creating visual distinction or emphasis on one side of an element.

CSS 'border-left-style' Property Examples

See the Pen CSS 'border-left-style' Property by Webzstore (@webzstore) on CodePen.

The 'border-left-style' property is a powerful tool for customizing the appearance of an element's left border, supporting the creation of visually engaging and distinct designs.

Browser Support For 'border-left-style' Property

FirefoxSafariChromeMicrosoft EdgeOpera

CSS Syntax of the 'border-left-style' Property

border-left-style: none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | initial | inherit;

Usage of the 'border-left-style' Property

Use 'border-left-style' to define the appearance of the left border of an element. This property is beneficial for adding stylistic details to an element's border for highlighting, framing, or visually separating content within a layout.

Property Values of the 'border-left-style' Property

  • None: No border is displayed.
  • Hidden: The border is made invisible.
  • Dotted: The border is rendered as a series of dots.
  • Dashed: The border appears as a series of short lines or dashes.
  • Solid: A single, solid line defines the border.
  • Double: The border consists of two solid lines with some space between them.
  • Groove: The border looks as if it were carved into the surface, creating a grooved effect.
  • Ridge: The border protrudes from the surface, giving a ridged effect.
  • Inset: The border makes the element look embedded in the page.
  • Outset: The border gives the impression that the element stands out from the page.
  • Initial: Resets the 'border-left-style' to its default value.
  • Inherit: Inherits the 'border-left-style' from the parent element.

Ryan Parker

Ryan has been a standout in digital marketing since 2010. He's the go-to person for getting businesses noticed online, with over 300 projects under his belt—these range from helping local business owners to big online stores. As the Head of Digital Marketing at his company, Ryan knows all the tricks to make companies shine on the internet. He's excellent at using the latest tech and smart strategies to get results. Ryan is all about making businesses grow and reach more people online.
