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CSS 'border-start-start-radius' Property Explained

Est. Reading: 1 minute
Posted: April 11, 2024

The CSS 'border-start-start-radius' property specifies the radius of the border at the start-start corner of an element. It targets the corner where the block start meets the inline start, according to the writing mode and directionality of the content. This property is instrumental in designing interfaces sensitive to different text directions, such as right-to-left (RTL) or left-to-right (LTR), ensuring that rounded corners are consistently placed across various languages and scripts.

CSS 'border-start-start-radius' Property Examples

See the Pen CSS 'border-start-start-radius' Property by Webzstore (@webzstore) on CodePen.

The 'border-start-start-radius' property is crucial for creating flexible and visually consistent designs across various writing modes. It supports the development of web content that is accessible and appealing across different languages and scripts.

Browser Support For 'border-start-start-radius' Property

FirefoxSafariChromeMicrosoft EdgeOpera

CSS Syntax of the 'border-start-start-radius' Property

border-start-start-radius: length | percentage | initial | inherit;

Usage of the 'border-start-start-radius' Property

Use 'border-start-start-radius' to apply a rounded corner at the specific intersection of the start of the block flow and the start of the inline flow of an element. This property is especially useful in multi-language layouts, allowing designers to maintain a coherent and visually appealing design aesthetic that adapts to the logical flow of content across different text orientations.

Property Values of the 'border-start-start-radius' Property

  • Length: Defines the radius using a specific measurement (e.g., px, em).
  • Percentage: Sets the radius as a percentage of the element's size, providing scalability and responsiveness.
  • Initial: Resets the 'border-start-start-radius' to its default value.
  • Inherit: Inherits the 'border-start-start-radius' from the parent element.

Ryan Parker

Ryan has been a standout in digital marketing since 2010. He's the go-to person for getting businesses noticed online, with over 300 projects under his belt—these range from helping local business owners to big online stores. As the Head of Digital Marketing at his company, Ryan knows all the tricks to make companies shine on the internet. He's excellent at using the latest tech and smart strategies to get results. Ryan is all about making businesses grow and reach more people online.
